Table 1.2. Area (1000 ha) of land cover by boreal zone in Canada.
Boreal zone Vegetated Non-vegetated Other1 Total2
Treed Non-treed Total Land Water Total
Non-boreal 80 102.43 74 621.99 154 724.42 21 140.57 17 919.03 39 059.60 0.00 193 784.02
Boreal 285 427.46 157 436.39 442 863.85 37 779.72 71 338.86 109 118.59 0.00 551 982.44
Canada 365 529.89 232 058.38 597 588.27 58 920.29 89 257.89 148 178.18 0.00 745 766.45
Source: Canada's National Forest Inventory, revised 2006 baseline (Version 3, December 2013) (
Note: The Non-boreal zone in the Arctic ecozones (Arctic Cordillera, Northern Arctic, Southern Arctic) are not inventoried. The total land and water area amounts to approximately 252,202.08 thousand ha.
1 Missing, unknown or other land covers.
2 The areas of the boreal zone are based on the Atlas of Canada 1:1 000 000 scale base map reprojected to Albers Equal Area Conic projection (ESRI: 102001).