Table 1.0. Area (1000 ha) of land cover in Canada.
Vegetated Non-vegetated Other1 Total2
Treed Non-treed Total Land Water Total
362 109.86 227 657.64 589 767.51 58 586.06 87 425.09 146 011.15 0.00 735 778.65
Source: Canada's National Forest Inventory, revised 2006 baseline (Version 3, December 2013) (
Note: The Arctic ecozones (Arctic Cordillera, Northern Arctic, Southern Arctic), and the Taiga Plains and Hudson Plains ecozones located in Nunavut, are not inventoried. These non-inventoried areas total 262,189.89 thousand ha.
1 Missing, unknown or other land covers.
2 The area is based on the Atlas of Canada 1:1 000 000 scale base map reprojected to Albers Equal Area Conic projection (ESRI: 102001).