Table 1.1. Area (1000 ha) of land cover by terrestrial ecozone in Canada.
Terrestrial ecozone Vegetated Non-vegetated Other1 Total2
Treed Non-treed Total Land Water Total
Taiga Plains 36 434.47 17 186.24 53 620.70 3 126.43 9 020.93 12 147.36 0.00 65 768.07
Taiga Shield 48 603.15 51 489.87 100 093.02 9 858.44 29 371.36 39 229.79 0.00 139 322.81
Boreal Shield 129 719.12 31 883.33 161 602.44 2 219.48 28 285.36 30 504.84 0.00 192 107.28
Atlantic Maritime 16 107.92 2 834.26 18 942.17 697.90 517.01 1 214.91 0.00 20 157.08
Mixedwood Plains 3 348.63 6 035.84 9 384.47 1 630.50 5 839.15 7 469.65 0.00 16 854.12
Boreal Plains 48 462.45 15 676.14 64 138.59 2 979.52 6 953.95 9 933.47 0.00 74 072.06
Prairies 2 948.92 32 986.20 35 935.12 8 661.94 2 062.14 10 724.08 0.00 46 659.21
Taiga Cordillera 6 573.68 12 490.10 19 063.77 7 372.16 269.22 7 641.38 0.00 26 705.15
Boreal Cordillera 20 622.26 13 912.56 34 534.82 11 411.73 1 134.31 12 546.04 0.00 47 080.86
Pacific Maritime 11 591.36 2 085.74 13 677.09 6 670.78 528.16 7 198.94 0.00 20 876.03
Montane Cordillera 33 354.87 7 316.13 40 671.00 6 813.85 1 493.57 8 307.41 0.00 48 978.41
Hudson Plains 18 886.03 15 419.08 34 305.11 247.29 2 645.17 2 892.45 0.00 37 197.57
Canada 376 652.84 209 315.48 585 968.32 61 690.02 88 120.31 149 810.33 0.00 735 778.65
Source: Canada's National Forest Inventory, combined remeasured (2007-2017) and projected (2006-2017 with NFI projection system) data (Version 2, November 2022) (
Note: The Arctic ecozones (Arctic Cordillera, Northern Arctic, Southern Arctic), and the Taiga Plains and Hudson Plains ecozones located in Nunavut, are not inventoried. These non-inventoried areas total 262,189.89 thousand ha.
1 Missing, unknown or other land covers.
2 The areas of the ecozones are based on the Atlas of Canada 1:1 000 000 scale base map reprojected to Albers Equal Area Conic projection (ESRI: 102001).